The Earth in the Solar System: A didactic unit for third graders from social science subject.
The advantage of this project is that a lot of information is available for population. As you can be the owner of your creation you are able to take control over it and explain it to students.
CLIL OERs are created by experts, trainers and teachers both content and language teachers.
Materials can be shared not only by students but also by teachers.
The disavantages of creating this type of materials are that not everybody has acces to computers to benefit from them and in many occasions resources become outdated as they haven't been renuewed for so long.
I will follow the checklist to analyse this project:
This method transmits knowledge. It is based on different types of tools apart from the textbook.
Students can do activities individually or in groups.Helping each other to understand the lesson encourage collaborative work.
The challenges are organised in seven sessions each part contains differentent exercises.
The first session previous knowledge is support by songs, videos and explanations about the The Solar System, the sun, planets and other celestial bodies.
The second and third session contains HOTS and LOTS questions in order to acquire an appropiate knowledge.Much of the answers of these question can be obtained from its correspondent video.The experiment will be carried out at home with an adult supervision.
Firsly the fourth session explain the moon satellite in the videos attached and then pupils will answer the questions once the have watched the videos.Secondly pupils can practice fill in the gaps
In the fith session you can find a mind map which summarized the most important items of the Solar System.
The session six develop different kind of activities as for example match a handmade activity. activity in groups in which they have to act out.
In the last session you are able to test your knowledge about the contents of the lesson.
In my opinion it is good because you practice the basic four skills reading, speaking, listening and writing. There should be feedback.
Students acquire knowledge by practicing the activities that are uploaded in the design to explain the subject to the students.
The process which is followed in the design uses an active methodology in which students generate questions, find and use resources and develop their own answers.
The activities are created by a teacher who is the owner of the product.
The teacher is in charge of the selection of the materials.
By means of activities it is reflected what they have learnt but not how they have.
Through the activities done online the students receive feedback of their work.

Students do not need to elaborate a final project to demostrate what they have learnt.Open Educational resources are focused on tools use in the learning process.
In my opinion it is very interesting to analyse this type of material because it will be useful in a future as a teacher. It helps teachers to be updated , build knowledge and do collaborative work.I choose the Earth in the Solar System to see what kind of exercises can be practice on internet and how to do it.
Learning to manage new tools helps a lot when preparing on-line activities.Talking about new tools I created a presentation with Genially.
Here is my presentation about the project mentioned above. I have use genially tool to do it.
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