sábado, 1 de abril de 2017

Turning my open educational project into a collaborative one.

I choose cooperative work to turn my open educational project into a collaborative one.  I analyse and explain it as follows:

As they  work in groups everychild has a different role in the group.

The roadrunner whose function is to be in charge of the materials the teacher gives the group.

The spy is in charge of the time.

The microphone is the person who speaks.

The manager is the person who organises the task and tells the rest of the group what they have to do.

Once everybody has the role in the clasroom they are able to work in the following topic:

Using this criterion I will create four activities to work with in a cooperative  way.

Activity one: To explain them what a living thing and a non-living thing is, I will show pupils flashcards.In groups they will discuss if the images are living things or non-living things.When time is over the speaker will present the idea to the classroom with the team help.

Activity two: After doing lots of exercises on their notebooks, the next step for the teacher is to explain another classification within Living things and non-living things classification, which is wild animals and domestic animals.

The activity consists on classifying flash cards animals that the teacher will provide them.
The last step is to classsify them into its correspondent classification.

Activity three:Schools conditions allows to take children to the hall which we can find on the first floor or if you do not have a hall find another place out of the clasroom.In this activity they will also classify animals but in a different way.

The bilingual material room provides teachers with a wide range of materials in which we can find six animals boxes. One box for each team.
Again they have to classify them into wild animals and domestic animals, discuss in groups and present them to the classroom, with a little bit of realia.

Activity four:The teacher will cut living and non-living things images from a magazine then those children who work in advance will paste it and create a poster that will be placed in the science corner.

Those children who need more attention will work with the teacher while the others are doing this activity.

Here is my design of an online visual metaphore:

Apart from working in groups my idea is turning this project into a collaborative one using all the media that you can see in my visual metaphor.Sharing information with the world is the key for future teachers. It is a way to make pupils protagonists and be open minded to communicate with others. 
The teacher is the main responsible of social networks management. Skype and Blogger are tools that can be used by students in order to communicate each other, attend a class or upload their challenges to their learning diaries. 
Twitter and youtube are important to spread the word and see how much our students have improved. In addition youtube is good to watch documentaries about animals classification and listening to songs.
Here you have an example I found searching on internet:
What pet animals,domestic animals and wild animals are:


Instagram is useful to take photos of the challenges done in class as for example the posters done in the activity four, and share it with the educative community and parents to let them see what they kids are doing in class.

Self-reflect: I decided to create both designs with canva as I could upload my own photos about the topic living things and non-living things.Despite of being first graders children will be able to mention an amount of vocabulary from their previous knowledge which can surprise you how many words they have learnt.

Life is in constant movement and plants, humans and animals form part of it and all that surrounds them affects them.
In my opinion children will enjoy work in cooperative learning and they will improve their Emotional Quatient= EQ,which is what we want for them.They will never get bored.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hello Irene! I truly think that students will like the topic you have choosen for your educational project because I worked that topic with my students during my internship and they loved it. Moreover, the poster you have created is very visual and eye-catching.


  2. Hello! It is interesting the activity that you propuse for working in groups. I really like that each student has a different role in the group. All of them take active part in the learning process in this way. Nice idea Irene!!
