lunes, 22 de mayo de 2017

3x1 review

I spent time working on the subject.Everybody who Works with ICT knows that is time consuming, so I was patient and tried to tarnsmit my knowledge to let everybody understand me.
There are three challenges which I like the most.

1.Met Miguel doing our first challenge which consist on interviewing each other.Although we did our flipped introduction separately it was a pleasure working with him.

2.When I transformed flat ativities into super learning missions I reflected a lot about the whole process and then write both parts.
I recycled ideas and materials and use tools such as canva, jilster and wevideo.

3.Live online class helped me to present my open educational Project, summarize ideas and make it more visual.

There is just one thing I would like to improve:

I would like use programs for interacive whiteboards as it is very demanding for teachers work life and during the intership period.

All in all It is worth making the effort today !

miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2017

Live online class

On 4th May conference I presented to the world my open educational Project "Living things and Non-living things".
I participated in the on-line class at Moodle Mooc 10 ( MM10), which was a great experience.
Thanks to María Jesús García San Martín and Dr.Nellie Deutsh, the whole class met people from other countries such as Italy,New York, India, Australia, France...
I had to talk in a record time which was five minutes because there were a lot of us presenting The open Educational Project as time is money.
I enriched my knowledge with the educative techniques that my partners had created with innovative ideas,being creative..
They put in practice what they had been learning during the intership period and transformed it into a collaborative Project.
My top tip for a live online class is to prepare with accuracy what are you going to tell your audience.Here you can see my transcription through Slide share.

Furthermore,I added a slide in my blog on the conference day because it was more complete.                

In addition I upload the recording from the conference day.

In relation to the video I have to say that although I was the last person presenting the Project I felt confidece and relax.The time was running and I did the presentation as quickly as posible, but reasoning and analysing and giving my own conclusions about ICT tools and the Project.

Wehighing all the pros and cons I felt sorry about those partners who could not present their  whole job, because I know their are great and very good workers, they also did a good job.

They accompained us and listened to our ideas.Though there wasn´t much time,it last appoximately two hours everybody did a good job.

It was a great and nice experience.

domingo, 30 de abril de 2017

Assessment rubric

Prototype of an Open Educational CLIL Project.In this section of my blog I explained the teacher's role in the class which is to guide children and lead them.Students will work individually, in pairs or in groups in which they have different roles.

You can see in the template:Prototype of an Open Educational CLIL Project the aims to achieve, the content, communication, cognition and culture that I teach you.
The LOMCE Primary competences are also important and I talk about them in the previous challenge.

I turned my Open Educational Project into a collaborative one.During my partner search I decided to join the ESL Times.You can watch my elevator pitch in which I summarise this challenge and announced myself to join it.

I did my personal book explaining how I turn flat activities into super learning missions.You watch the homemade video I made in which I give an extend explanation of it.

As it is children turn, is time to be assessed.In this challenge I explain how to be assessed.

I explain in a table team, class participation, contribution and direct observation.

Self-reflection: I use slideshare to upload to this blog the assessment rubric in order to be able to evaluate pupils.
It seems to me necessary to have the current knowledge of the direct teaching.Putting my knowledge into practice has been enriching experience.
The fact of improvising, as you never know how children act, has also been very useful.
Children feel curiosity for everything and they are eager to learn as much as they can.
It has supposed a positive feedback for me and my teaching activity.

martes, 25 de abril de 2017

Turning flat activities into super learning missions Part two

In challenge nine I decided to join The ESL Times because I like their educational techniques.
My idea is to share all that children do in their Natural Science books  with other schools using wevideo tool.
The target audience for this superlearning mission are first graders.The timing is approximately 2 minutes, is the time that take to them to show their project in a forty five minutes class.The six groups of the class will participate doing cooperative work.
I create this Natural Science book in which children can work with different materials in order to have a clear visual concept about living things and non-living things classification and animals classification to create the writing stories which will be included at the end of the lesson.Below are mentioned some goals I want to achive:
They can use the vocabulary they work with in the minipictionaries It will be a helper writing stories.
Each group have to complete the Natural Science book in which will be included anything done in class.
Children will bring to the class their own images about living things and non-living things to personalize the book.
Increase their vocabulary about animals and be capable of organizing them in different classifications.In this particular case wild animals and domestic animals.Using animals worksheet and realia.
Let's see how I transform flat activities into super learning missions.Video:

This is an example of how children can present their handmade projects.I explain in this challenge the objectives, contents and competences.It will last the whole year as our students can keep their group and weekly challenges into the science book .

This unit has been thought for first graders and it will start with animals classification.
Aims to achieve:identifying and explaining differences between living things and non-living things and animals classfication.

Children develop communicative skills, mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology and learning to learn competence.
As you can see social networks are very important.The teacher spread the word at twitter, upload the videos to the class learning diary.

At the end of the book I name some animals but it is necessary letters visual supporter which is not included in the video.In class you must include letters visual supporter.

Analysis of the project.

I decided to use wevideo as I could use special effects and music.After filming the Natural science books of the whole class the teacher upload it to the class learning diary.Then show the books to other schools or to the world. The teacher as the main responsible of the management of use of ICT spread the word at twitter.

Activities such as observation, analysis, critic, contrast, reflection, persistence, questions form, hypothesis, data and interpretation take place in this collaborative project.

Respect to the environment, be careful with other beings and care of their health. In this book I presented activities to develope these skills, but also relating the topic of the book with other subjects of CLIL in terms of improving all the subjects at the same time.

They can see animals plants and people, and non-living things all around them.

Labelling, naming and classifying is the motivational centre in this book.


It was not easy to transform flat activities into super learning missions.I recycled ideas and materials to create a personal science book.
I did my personal book explaining this challenge so why not give the opportunity to be creative to children, it's their turn.

domingo, 9 de abril de 2017

Turning flat activities into super learning missions Part one

Hello everyone,in this first post I am going to transform flat activities into super learning missions.My idea is to create two minipctionaries one about living things and the second one about Non-living things that are included in the second post where you can see my Final super-learning mission. Every group has to elaborate,complete and personalize the minipictionary done in class. The teacher show to the class this digital artifact which they can visualized in an interactive Whiteboard.With JILSTER the teacher will show them images about living things and non-living things as an example of what they have to do.

Children will practice vocabulary from their previous knowledge and they will add a new images with it correspondent name to build new knowledge.Both minipictionaries will be attached at the cover of my Natural Science book.

Self-reflection:I decided to complete this Project on the second part of this topic in which I explain how children work, the objectives, competences, temporization and digital artifacts.You will see my video too.

jueves, 6 de abril de 2017

Partner Search

Apply ICT to your challenges, try to adapt those resources and contents to your course.

Less teaching, more learning! The world nowadays is interesting in enterpreneurs, social abilities and sharing knowledge.The Educative System is changing to solve the absence of these skills with cooperative and colaborative work.

My CLIL open Educational project about Living things and non-living things is the key to your solution.Use learning diaries, youtube, twitter,skype and Instagram as a mean of communication.

Upload classroom challenges to your learning diaries,watch documentaries in youtube.
Teachers can spread the word and photos by twitter and Instagram.
Communicate with other schools via skype and share your ideas.

In my last post I mentioned some activities to do using ICT, here I am going to develop some of them:

Activity one. In terms of making an easier understanding we need them to know some words asking them questions:
Can you tell me what’s that? A pen , Is it a living thing or is it a non-living thing?
Can you tell me what’s that? A sharpener ,Is It  a living thing or it is a non-living thing?
Can you tell me what’s that? A eraser ,Is it a living thing or is it a non-living thing?
Can you tell me what’s that? A ruler ,  Is it  a living thing or is it a non-living thing?
Can you tell me what’s that? A crayon , Is it a living thing or  is it a non-living thing?
Can you tell me what’s that? A pencil , Is it a living thing or is it a non-living thing?
Can you tell me what’s that? A book , Is it a living thing or it is a non-living thing?
Can you tell me what’s that? A rock , Is it a living thing or is it a non-living thing?

Please can you tell me what’s that?It is a cat. A cat is an animal.A cat is a living thing.
Please can you tell me what’s that?It is a baby. A baby is a human.Humans are living beings.
Please can you tell me what’s that?It is a plant. A plant.A plant is a living thing.
Living things can move,breathe,eat.

Living things need water,air,food and sun.
Then you can upload the flashcards you work with  the media as an example so that they can remind the words of this lesson and use as many words as they have learnt during the course.They will upload more examples to their learning diaries.

Activity two. After doing lots of exercises on their notebooks, the next step for the teacher is to explain another classification within Living things and non-living things classification, which is wild animals and domestic animals.I show the animals which I work with during my intership period below widening content and vocabulary.
Then they must identify each movement with its correspondent animal. It is good to ask them questions as an example .Then  they will do it in their groups and they will classify them:

Does the pig fly? Yes/No.

Does the zebra slither? Yes/No.

The teacher can upload the worksheet with the animals to Instagram to practice at home.

They will draw the animals worksheet and upload it to their learning diaries.
 I consider acting as important as other skills.Children learn both to express their ideas in front of the classroom and performance.
Take advantage of the space that you find in your class, as for example the science corner, the teacher's corner and the English corner.If you are so lucky and your classroom has two doors, why not ask them to go out and practice their performance "Animals movement"climb,jump,fly, walk,sligther... and then enter through the second door of your classroom.

Here you have some top tips not to feel ridiculous and it works well as a warmer at the very begining of the classroom.

-Freeze Frame, try to capture a story in three steps don't forget you cannot move.
-Invent a silly word and express your feelings da-k-d-da! with this word you can express anger,happiness or sadness.

Activity three.The bilingual material room provide teachers with a wide range of materials in which we can find six animals boxes. One box for each team.Again they have to classify them into wild animals and domestic animals.You can see my homade video as an example of showing the type of animals you can work with in this activity mentioned in challenge 8, before my elevator picht.

Before choosing the following collaborative projects I am going to list them:

-The other kids EDU.

-The ESL times.
-The 30 goals Challenge.
-The twima Project.
-Tertulias con sabor a chocolate.
-Maderas que son violines.
-Piratas y Libélulas.
-No me cuentes historias, dibújamelas

My project is suitable for The ESL Times because I like their Educational techniques.

Activity one. I took a photo of the corner science first graders class to show you how to use the words in this lesson with a meaningful purpose.

"Science Corner".Photograph by Irene Peña.

Activity two.This animal worksheet is useful to ask them questions about animals. You can also cut them and separate them into wild animals and domestic animals. I found those animals searching on the net, I  paste them on a paper,then I scanned them in order to create a worksheet. Those are the animals that the teacher will give their pupils.

"Animals worksheet". Photograph by Irene Peña.

Activity two.This is an activity scanned from the book of science for first graders I used during my intership period.Think do learn Natural Science.Oxford CLIL the natural choice.

"Animals movements worksheet".Photograph by Irene Peña.

Activity three: Homemade video about animal classifications. wild animals and domestic animals:

My elevator pitch:

I sign up in wevideo create my own video and download it, it is a thirty nine seconds video instead a 20 seconds one, it was difficult to be catchy and at the same time to try to summarize all the contents.
I am happy using wevideo because I added special effect. That's the reason why my video lasts for too long.

sábado, 1 de abril de 2017

Turning my open educational project into a collaborative one.

I choose cooperative work to turn my open educational project into a collaborative one.  I analyse and explain it as follows:

As they  work in groups everychild has a different role in the group.

The roadrunner whose function is to be in charge of the materials the teacher gives the group.

The spy is in charge of the time.

The microphone is the person who speaks.

The manager is the person who organises the task and tells the rest of the group what they have to do.

Once everybody has the role in the clasroom they are able to work in the following topic:

Using this criterion I will create four activities to work with in a cooperative  way.

Activity one: To explain them what a living thing and a non-living thing is, I will show pupils flashcards.In groups they will discuss if the images are living things or non-living things.When time is over the speaker will present the idea to the classroom with the team help.

Activity two: After doing lots of exercises on their notebooks, the next step for the teacher is to explain another classification within Living things and non-living things classification, which is wild animals and domestic animals.

The activity consists on classifying flash cards animals that the teacher will provide them.
The last step is to classsify them into its correspondent classification.

Activity three:Schools conditions allows to take children to the hall which we can find on the first floor or if you do not have a hall find another place out of the clasroom.In this activity they will also classify animals but in a different way.

The bilingual material room provides teachers with a wide range of materials in which we can find six animals boxes. One box for each team.
Again they have to classify them into wild animals and domestic animals, discuss in groups and present them to the classroom, with a little bit of realia.

Activity four:The teacher will cut living and non-living things images from a magazine then those children who work in advance will paste it and create a poster that will be placed in the science corner.

Those children who need more attention will work with the teacher while the others are doing this activity.

Here is my design of an online visual metaphore:

Apart from working in groups my idea is turning this project into a collaborative one using all the media that you can see in my visual metaphor.Sharing information with the world is the key for future teachers. It is a way to make pupils protagonists and be open minded to communicate with others. 
The teacher is the main responsible of social networks management. Skype and Blogger are tools that can be used by students in order to communicate each other, attend a class or upload their challenges to their learning diaries. 
Twitter and youtube are important to spread the word and see how much our students have improved. In addition youtube is good to watch documentaries about animals classification and listening to songs.
Here you have an example I found searching on internet:
What pet animals,domestic animals and wild animals are:

Instagram is useful to take photos of the challenges done in class as for example the posters done in the activity four, and share it with the educative community and parents to let them see what they kids are doing in class.

Self-reflect: I decided to create both designs with canva as I could upload my own photos about the topic living things and non-living things.Despite of being first graders children will be able to mention an amount of vocabulary from their previous knowledge which can surprise you how many words they have learnt.

Life is in constant movement and plants, humans and animals form part of it and all that surrounds them affects them.
In my opinion children will enjoy work in cooperative learning and they will improve their Emotional Quatient= EQ,which is what we want for them.They will never get bored.

sábado, 25 de marzo de 2017

Prototype of an open educational CLIL project

Prototype of an open educational project:

First of all I downloaded the template that you will see below at the end of the explanation from the challenge seven in order to create my prototype of an open CLIL Educational Digital Project.

The template for prototyping an open educational CLIL project is organized in the following steps:

Number of sessions
Teacher´s role
Student's role
4cs of CLIL
Key competences
Assesment Criteria
Missions to overcome the final outcome

I have chosen a topic about Natural science for first graders, in particular Living things-Non living things, to let them know a bit more about the world that surrounds them by naming and labelling every item that we see and classify.
Living things and Non-living things is the topic I will teach to first graders as it is the lesson they have to study at midterm.
I will explain almost six sessions in group A and six sessions in group B.CLIL subjects as Natural Science ,Arts and Crafts and Literacy are linked.
Concerning about 4cs of CLIL much of the vocabulary appears in the content they have already studied.Not only they put in practice their previous knowledge but also the targeting language they are learning while studying English subject.In particular animals on the farm, lesson five from the English book.
Working on literacy Little Red Hen is cooking is a book about domestic animals that I will read in class.With this book they learn behavoral conduct and moral values.It uses the present continuos and the present simple.
The type of assesment which best fits this process of learning as they are seating in groups is Formative assesment and cooperative work.

Act: they give their opinion and acept information.
State: easy to communicate with.
State:support others with their work.
Act: they try to understand what they have to do.
State:problem solving.
State: encourage others to do their work.
Act: they participate with decision.
State: calm down conflicts.

Finally, as they are very little and starting using the computer I selected a range of handmade activities to aproximate them to real life items so that they can  study on their books.
To uploaded to the blog the PDF document I used slideshare which is easy to use once you start to manipulate it.
After filming the video I added special effects as music and visual details I did it with Movie Edit Touch and then uploded the video to youtube.

The template helps me a lot to organize my mind, I am getting use to being filmed. I have learnt how to use slideshare which was difficult at the beginning.I hope you like what I am sharing with you.Best wishes for you all.

jueves, 23 de marzo de 2017

The Earth in the Solar System

The Earth in the Solar System: A didactic unit for third graders from social science subject.

The advantage of this project is that a lot of information is available for population. As you can be the owner of your creation you are able to take control over it and explain it to students.
CLIL OERs are created  by experts, trainers and teachers both  content and language teachers.
Materials can be shared not only by students but also by teachers.
The disavantages of creating this type of materials are that not everybody has acces to computers to benefit from them and in many occasions resources become outdated as they haven't been renuewed for so long.
I will follow the checklist to analyse this project:


This method transmits knowledge. It is based on different types of tools apart from the textbook.

Students can do activities individually or in groups.Helping each other to understand the lesson encourage collaborative work.
The challenges are organised in seven sessions  each part contains differentent exercises.

The first session previous knowledge is support by songs, videos and explanations about the The Solar System, the sun, planets and other celestial bodies.

The second and third session contains HOTS and LOTS questions in order to acquire an appropiate knowledge.Much of the answers of these question can be obtained from its correspondent video.The experiment will be carried out at home with an adult supervision.

Firsly the fourth session explain the moon satellite in the videos attached and then pupils will answer the questions once the have watched the videos.Secondly pupils can practice fill in the gaps

In the fith session you can find a mind map which summarized the most important items of the Solar System.

The  session six  develop different kind of activities as for example match a handmade activity. activity in groups in which they have to act out. 

In the last session you are able to test your knowledge about the contents of  the lesson.

In my opinion it is good because you practice the basic four skills reading, speaking, listening and writing. There should be feedback. 


Students acquire knowledge by practicing the activities that are uploaded in the design to explain the subject to the students.


The process which is followed in the design uses an active methodology in which students generate questions, find and use resources and develop their own answers.



The activities are created by a teacher who is the owner of the product.


The teacher is in charge of the selection of the materials.


By means of activities it is reflected what they have learnt but not how they have.


Through the activities done online the students receive feedback of their work.

                                                   Resultado de imagen de gomets caras


Students do not need to elaborate a final project to demostrate what they have learnt.Open Educational resources are focused on tools use in the learning process.


In my opinion it is very interesting to analyse this type of material because it will be useful in a future as a teacher. It helps teachers to be updated , build knowledge and do collaborative work.I choose the Earth in the Solar System to see what kind of exercises can be practice on internet and how to do it.
Learning to manage new tools helps a lot when preparing on-line activities.Talking about new tools I created a presentation with Genially.

Here is my presentation about the project mentioned above. I have use genially tool to do it. 

domingo, 19 de marzo de 2017

Flipped introduction


Hello to everybody, I am going to present to you Miguel who has been studying a Musical Bachelor for fourteen years. Currently he is twenty-nine years old and he is studying a Master degree in Bilingual Education at Rey Juan Carlos University.

Miguel says that it is not easy to combine both studies and job, but he is doing it. He is working hard.
At the same time he is succesful with his professional and social life.

He is happy with the people he works with and the environment that surrounds him.
All the effort he is making deserves with a big aplausse from the audience.

The media which I work with is not new, everybody is able to use it  if you want to edit a homemade video. With video Edit Touch you have the opportunity of introducing images at the begining, between  videos and at the end of the video.In this case I matched together the videos filmed.

I added images, one at very begining to introduce Miguel presentation and the last one at the end.
The song "The shape of you" by Ed sheeran that sounds in the cover at the begining and at the end of the video is one of the tools that video Edit Touch let's you use.Then I upload it to youtube.

Apart from the music I added special effects as for example aplausses. Not only I learned techniques of how to do an introduction with ICT tools but also let you know a little about Miguel and how to present him even though I am not a journalist.

In my opinion is useful to catch audience. By doing this activity you  expose yourself to the media which by the time I think I will be more confident and not so shy.Thank you very much for watching I now you are in hurry so I am glad if you spend time on wactching us.I hope you enjoy it.